Monday, June 2, 2008

Forex Trading Without The Fluff

I'm here to share some of my forex trading without any of the fluff that you'll find in available information. There is a great opportunity, especially for the little guy, to make a good buck in this game if they're willing to apply themselves.
The Deadly Sins: I want to first share with you, the sinful behavior that leads to losses in this business. You never want to be that emotional person that is always getting those "gut feelings". There are no gut feelings in this business, only cold hard facts. You're best to stick with them. You also don't want to be that unconfident person that can't stick with a decision. Indecisiveness is a very unprofitable behavior. Conversely, overconfidence can be just as unprofitable because it leads you to making trades because you overestimate its potential to succeed.
High Volume Trading: You should only trade during the high volume times (meaning the time when everyone else is trading). If you take a look at the low volume times, you're more likely to fall victim to an erratic currency behavior. What happens is that big banks will make big trades at this time that will end up affecting the direction of a currency. You're not at mercy to the market, but to the bank that makes this trade. During high volume times, there is so much trading going on that no single trader has enough push to move a currency. You can be confident that market forces are in control.
Forex Killer: This is a software package that I use to help me automate my trading. I can't sit in front of the computer for 18hrs a day watching a trade. I have to sleep, I have to do other things. Sometimes it isn't profitable to exit a trade when I need to leave. I can use Forex Killer and set it up to automatically handle these trades, so I get the best automated decision possible.
The automated software of Forex Killer will give you an immediate edge in the market. Make trades that work for your profit line. For more information on the Forex Killer software, check out Forex Charting Software.
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